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The name of the book was The First Part Last by Angela Johnson. She is a two-time Coretta Scott King Award winner.

This story is about a 16 year old boy named Bobby and how he decides to be a parent to his daughter, Feather. All Bobby wants to do is live life the way he planned it. His best friends are K-Boy and J.L. who live life without worries.Unfortunately for Bobby, his girlfriend, Nia shows up at his stoop with a balloon and tells him she’s pregnant. Bobby’s world is forever changed. his book was broken down into “then” and “now.” “then” describe the pregnancy of Nia and “now” refers to the struggles of Bobby raising his daughter.

Most of the action of this book takes place in apartment complex. The one thing that I did not like was the book was broken down into “then” and “now” I felt a little confused. I have never read a book from the from this author, Angela Johnson, but I would like to read more of her books.